Christmas Parade Taping!

One of the coolest things to do if you do the Fall DCP is be apart of the Christmas Parade taping. They film it in early December and it airs on ABC in Christmas Day. I didn't do this on my first CP, so me and Katie decided we would do it this time together. You have to acquire tickets - and you have to get up SUPER early... but it's so fun. We got up, got decked out in our Christmas best... and headed to Magic Kingdom. 

First thing we ran to do was get some Starbucks... because you have to, right? Then we found our spots in front of the castle stage for 'The Wanted'! I didn't know much about them, but they were good. And it was fun to see them sing the same song over and over and pretend to be super excited while camera flew around our heads. 

We danced, laughed, sang and jumped around while the cameras came on us. We didn't make the cut on Christmas Day... but the experience was so fun. I HIGHLY recommend it!! Do it! It's a once in a lifetime experience.


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